After an awesome wedding and a night of partying, we were finally on our journey to Bali’s food district, Ubud. While our first destination was meant to be the infamous Babi Guling at Ibu Oka’s, the venue’s closure due to the sacred festival Kekuningan means we went on to our second destination which was Bebek Tepi Sawah. In terms of popularity, Bebek Tepi Sawah was less popular compared to Bebek Bengil, but our driver tells us that the cockiness of Bengil has caused it to lose its crown among the locals. Anyways, if sitting on the floor amongst the paddy fields to experience the traditional dining ways of the Balinese people is your thing, this is the place to be. With an option to seat on the floor in your choice of pergolas located strategically around the paddy field, this was a good experience.
The Paddy Fields
Bebek Tepi Sawah Menu and my thirst quencher for the sweltering heat, Teh Botol!
While they have a list of food they are popular for, I could not stray away for their Balinese special, the Balinese Crispy Duck R92,000 !
After an hour’s drive to Ubud, I was famished. I have to admit, that I felt extremely tempted to start without a photo but I held back! Served crispy to the bone, it was a pleasant surprise to find out how delicious the humble duck can be. The duck was almost entirely edible except for the bones along the thigh and the wing. It was not hard to see why this dish is extremely popular. It was simple and the flesh was tasty despite having minimal seasoning. Its side of curried beans were no less a decent bite and it complemented the dish well. Then comes the next best part, the condiments of three spicy sauces.
While I have no specific names for them, I knew they varied in spiciness and acidity. Great stuff that accompanied the duck.

The one on the left was probably the spiciest. Just layers and layers of chili. Red, green and all those in between. Definitely for the brave. The one on the right had shallots which gave it a sweeter touch. But my favourite of all was the sambal pictured below. In terms of spiciest it was probably in the middle? But it was just perfectly seasoned.
A meal in Indonesia is not complete without a serve of Gado Gado for R50,000 :)!
Topped with crispy Emping chips, fresh vegetables, sprouts, bean curd and tempeh, it was funny how refreshing something coated with peanut sauce can be. But if you eat each individually, you’d be thrown by the bitterness of the Emping chips or perhaps the blandness of the bean curd. Together, each element simply worked well with one another.
Great meal to start the day. Despite feeling touristy from the entrance due to its immaculate presentation, Indonesian diners which formed a majority of the diners assured me that the experience at Bebek Tepi Sawah was authentic. This raises a question, how do people here afford the prices I pay? My bill here worked out to be around $A15 which definitely was not cheapest in town. But combining ambience, service, food and the friends that were here with me on that day, I nothing to complain about. It was by all means a stellar meal which won due to its simplicity. Next stop: Naughty Nuri’s!!