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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Melbourne Trip II: Queen Victoria Market

Its been a hectic week with little sleep.  But watching Spain advance from one stage to another, however makes up for that.  My first few days was spent around the city for shopping and eating.  One of the places where I had my very first meal was at the Queen Victoria Market.

Morning brekkie:
Bratwurst to share!
This place has been here for ages.  And that applies to the crowd too.  Its not the best thing ever but it tastes quite good.

After that Xin Ling and I had:

Does anyone else remember these little jam filled delights? At only 90 cents, these are Krispy Kreme beaters!!  But these dry guys need a refreshment which is easily found all over QVM:

Oh and in my last post I wrote about some Solo performance at the Moon which was totally emo?  There was this other guy playing music in the market and he was fabulous.  He added serenades the atmosphere with a happy feel.  So unlike the performance the other guy did at the Moon.

Ok folks, thats all for now.  Will continue updating as soon as I can because I have tonnes of pictures to post up!
