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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

@ : HOME.

It has almost been 1 week since I left Perth for Malaysia.  The remaining days in Perth were spent cleaning, packing and putting out all the unnecessary rubbish.  Hopefully, with the house in place, we can find a new one soon hohoho!  One of the main activity was laundry and because we were a bit short of time for a few clothing items, we went to the laundro-bar at Broadway.
One look at its number plate, and it is without a doubt a Chinese man’s car ahaha.

On the 1st of Dec, XL and I took a taxi to the airport. Had to talk to the taxi driver about how good Indian food is and everything to keep him awake!  Xin Ling thought I was weird for one moment but hey, he was driving half asleep at 130 km per hour!!  Better safe than sorry!!

After going through the crazy check-in queue, we headed right to the departure lounge and waited for our turn to board the plane!! This picture was taken on the plane just as it settled at a good altitude!
Welcome home WenY.  Time to paint the town red.
